
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2019
In 2006, I travelled to the south of Chile. I don't remember exactly all what I did, but definitely were the best vacations ever. We started in Santiago and arrived at Chiloe. I took us -my mother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin and me- two weeks to go and to return. Sometimes we stayed in wooden huts or small houses, but very comfortables and nice. Valdivia was the place that we spend more time. There, we went to the Kunstmann rasturant, the Costumbrista fair, the Niebla beach and my favorite place: the chocolate shop "Entrelagos". But if you ask me which is the best place that I visited, that location is Frutillar, because that city is very quiet, clean and beautiful. Certainly was the best place to stay, because I never saw that in Santiago. I remember, when we were in Frutillar, stayed in a house that was to steps from the Llanquihue Lake. I think that the things that made that holydays so special was the delicious food that I tasted and the beautiful natu

Practice Post

When i get a new App, my name isn't enough to creat my profile or avatar. My email, birth date and also my adress are needed to begin to use the App. It's the same situation with Social Medias: Instagram, Fcaebook, Tumblr, Pinterest or Twitter.  I always wondered where our personal information goes after we give them. Who got them. Well, one time someone told me that our information it's sold to greats companies and they use them sell us a lot of products that we'll probably buy. But we are giving something very important, our adress or number phone could be used to hurt ourself or somebody. I don't rememeber if one of the Apps or Social Medias that i have, don´t ask me for my adress or telephone number. Even Tumblr, that it´s my favo rite Social Media, aske me for a lot of personal information. But i like Tumblr so much, because i can see interesting pictures, read a los of phrases, listen new music or post my own photos and quotes, so if i want to use it i had