Practice Post

When i get a new App, my name isn't enough to creat my profile or avatar. My email, birth date and also my adress are needed to begin to use the App. It's the same situation with Social Medias: Instagram, Fcaebook, Tumblr, Pinterest or Twitter. 
I always wondered where our personal information goes after we give them. Who got them.
Well, one time someone told me that our information it's sold to greats companies and they use them sell us a lot of products that we'll probably buy.
But we are giving something very important, our adress or number phone could be used to hurt ourself or somebody.
I don't rememeber if one of the Apps or Social Medias that i have, don´t ask me for my adress or telephone number. Even Tumblr, that it´s my favorite Social Media, aske me for a lot of personal information. But i like Tumblr so much, because i can see interesting pictures, read a los of phrases, listen new music or post my own photos and quotes, so if i want to use it i had to put my personal information.
I like to share a lot of moments in my apps, although i don't share to much content, but i think that i don't like to share my personal information because, like i write, this coul be use for a bad way.  


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