In 2006, I travelled to the south of Chile.
I don't remember exactly all what I did, but definitely were the best vacations ever.
We started in Santiago and arrived at Chiloe. I took us -my mother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin and me- two weeks to go and to return.
Sometimes we stayed in wooden huts or small houses, but very comfortables and nice.
Valdivia was the place that we spend more time. There, we went to the Kunstmann rasturant, the Costumbrista fair, the Niebla beach and my favorite place: the chocolate shop "Entrelagos".
But if you ask me which is the best place that I visited, that location is Frutillar, because that city is very quiet, clean and beautiful. Certainly was the best place to stay, because I never saw that in Santiago.
I remember, when we were in Frutillar, stayed in a house that was to steps from the Llanquihue Lake.
I think that the things that made that holydays so special was the delicious food that I tasted and the beautiful nature that I saw in the hole south, like trees or animals.


  1. I've gone to Valdivia and the Niebla beach too! But I have never gone to Frutillar I hope one day I can go there :)

  2. I think that we have things in common. I was visit Chiloe, Valdivia and Frutillar too! And I went the same places, haha. I love the chocolate shop "Entrelagos". Have you tried hot chocolate of "Entrelagos"? Is very delicious!
    On the other hand, the Costumbrista fair is very cool. In that place sell food very interesting.

  3. I´ve never traveled south, I'd like to go

    1. But the southern part I´d like to go to is the Torres del Paine

  4. Valdivia is one of my favorite places in the world! Every year I go with my friends to FICValdivia, one of the best film festivals in Chile!

  5. I want so much to go to Valdivia, every picture i see of this place makes me want to mee it, specially i want to go to the Kunstmann restaurant to drink some of the best beers of Chile.


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