
post 6

In the past post I talked about the job that i would like to have. But i would like to continue studying another career. Something very different to journalism, like nutricionist or personal trainer, but i would like to studying something related to journalism too, like a course that learn me more about investigation. I think that i would like to study nutrionist in the University of Chile or the Catholic University of Chile, but if i can´t study in that universities i would like to enter to study another university, but good at health careers. But in the case of an course related to Journalism i would like to study abroad, like Spain or England. It could be great study to distance, but I think that is not the same that have a teacher learning you in front of a class. I like that system, because I can ask if I don´t understand the content, and more entertaining, because i would travel to anothe country and meet new places, food and people. Probably, if i travel to another country,

post 5

Oh, hi everyone, it´s friday and I'm so happy for that, but when i think that in three years more, when i  i'll have to ask for a job the suicide become in a good option. It´s just a joke. Well if you ask me what is my dream work, I´m go will tell that it´s any where i can travel for all the world, meeting new cultures and food, and obviously one job that i could implement all that i learned in the university. I imagine my job like something very stressful, but interesting and like a new option to meet new people. I don´t know in what company, channel, newspaper or radio station i would like to work, but I´m that i will do my work as best as posible. Like I´m studying journalism i think that great part of my working day it´s going to be in the street or outdoor, talking with people and waiting that they'll give a testimony. I know it, that sound very stressful, but I think that I´m prepared. All my jouralism teachers tell us that the salary isn´t much, but i think that

post 4

When I was a child i didn't like to read. I remember that one of my aunts gave me a lot of books, but i didn't read them for a long time. But with the time I began to read, and now i love it. I enjoy a lot read all the books that my teachers gaves me or recommends me. Especially books that talks about real facts. But the book that i loved and i will never forget is named "La Tregua", and his author is the uruguayan Mario Benedetti, one of my favorite authors along with the colombian Gabriel García Marquez. The book talk about a old man who is bored about his life and suddenly meet a young girl that change his life completely. I don't have an specific type of books, i just read whatever and then I jugde. But i don't enjoy the books who use complicated or poetic lenguage, that makes difficult to understand what I'm reading. With all the books that i read i would like to write one. I don't know what would be the theme, but i like the investigation, t

post 3

What do you do in a bored day when you have Netflix? Well, my best pastime is see "Friend". It's one of my favorite comedy series, because it's the history of six friends named Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler and Joey. They are in their thirtys and dealing with problems like: the laboral world, love relationships, childrens, while they are youngs yet. But "Friends" is not my only favorite serie. I like a lot the mistery tv series, like Thirteen Reasons Why or apocalyptic series, like The Walking Dead that scared me a little bit or another comedy (that i think this it's as good as "Friends") like The Simpsons. And if you ask to me what tv serie I recommend I'd say that it's very difficult for me (laugh), because in the plataforms like Netflix, HBO, etc you can find a lot and different genders. But i think that The Simpsons it's a good serie that anyone can see (well some chapters). This tv serie include social critic, hum
In 2006, I travelled to the south of Chile. I don't remember exactly all what I did, but definitely were the best vacations ever. We started in Santiago and arrived at Chiloe. I took us -my mother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin and me- two weeks to go and to return. Sometimes we stayed in wooden huts or small houses, but very comfortables and nice. Valdivia was the place that we spend more time. There, we went to the Kunstmann rasturant, the Costumbrista fair, the Niebla beach and my favorite place: the chocolate shop "Entrelagos". But if you ask me which is the best place that I visited, that location is Frutillar, because that city is very quiet, clean and beautiful. Certainly was the best place to stay, because I never saw that in Santiago. I remember, when we were in Frutillar, stayed in a house that was to steps from the Llanquihue Lake. I think that the things that made that holydays so special was the delicious food that I tasted and the beautiful natu

Practice Post

When i get a new App, my name isn't enough to creat my profile or avatar. My email, birth date and also my adress are needed to begin to use the App. It's the same situation with Social Medias: Instagram, Fcaebook, Tumblr, Pinterest or Twitter.  I always wondered where our personal information goes after we give them. Who got them. Well, one time someone told me that our information it's sold to greats companies and they use them sell us a lot of products that we'll probably buy. But we are giving something very important, our adress or number phone could be used to hurt ourself or somebody. I don't rememeber if one of the Apps or Social Medias that i have, don´t ask me for my adress or telephone number. Even Tumblr, that it´s my favo rite Social Media, aske me for a lot of personal information. But i like Tumblr so much, because i can see interesting pictures, read a los of phrases, listen new music or post my own photos and quotes, so if i want to use it i had